Monday, March 17, 2008

Stronach: Thomas Carlyle Chambers Stronach

Thomas Carlyle Chambers Stronach 1892 - 1958

A few of the ships Tom was serving on were torpedoed. He was the 8th child of Robert & Jane Stronach. His life story is quite sad.

Thomas lost a leg whilst onboard a ship that was sunk during the War. He was lost at sea for 3 days before being picked up. When they found him floating in the water there was a dog on his chest. The dog became a family pet.

From Letters etc.,
Petty Officer Discharged 11 July 1918. Served with honour
and was
disabled in the Great War.
Last served on Minesweeper H.M.S.
Garth and Hibernia.
1918. Royal Naval Hospital Plymouth.
13 May
Transfered to R.N.H. Chatham.
4 Jul 1918. Discharged to R.N.H. Gt.
9 Jul 1919. Transfered to Lanark District Asylum Hartwood,
3 Apr 1950. Owing to the outbreak of Smallpox, you are urgently
requested to
give your consent to the vaccination of the above named
Mental Hospital, Hartwood, Shotts.

Whilst in the Mental hospital he would get violent and the staff would take his wooden leg off of him.

Heavy weight Tug of War Team on H.­M.­S.­ Hibernia Aug 22nd 1911

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